Debt Consolidation Loans

We all know that the only way to make more money is to either increase our money coming in or decrease our money going out. So when you’re considering the various options of consolidating your debt, make sure you weigh up the odds and work out what the pro’s and con’s...

Financial Gain at Linsa Finance

Imagine how good it would feel when your bills flood in and you already have the money in the kitty waiting to pay them. No more worry about how to honour the various payment arrangement; money goes in and out with a little bit to spare. Sounds ideal but reality is...

Money Saving Tips for Families on a Budget

The summer holidays are just around the corner and for families on a budget often this season of ‘fun’ becomes a season of pressure and unresolved financial stability. Holiday pay is exhausted and annual leave is now on the downward slope. Before the pressure builds...

7 Ways to Save Money over Winter

It’s that time of year for wrapping up warm, dusting off the brollies and start thinking about ways to save money over the cooler months.  It can be done and we’re here to help you get the support and motivation you need before those big power bills arrive. We all...

Understanding Your Personal Finances

A personal loan is a great way to solve short and long term cash flow problems. Personal loans can help consolidate debt, pay bills and/or can help you out of an unexpected financial dilemma. With any agreement however you need to understand exactly what you are...

How Much Can I Borrow

When applying for a personal loan, one of the most common questions we at Linsa Finance are asked is; “how much can I borrow”.   Although this is a rather broad question it can actually be answered quite simply. Personal loans can range from a few hundred dollars to...

5 Ways to get out of Credit Card Debt

If you haven’t made steps to action your new years resolution of being credit card debt free, remember that one of the best ways to do this is by consolidating your debt. Why? Because you are only paying one set of fees and interest. We know it’s easy to say, “I want...

Understanding your Personal Loan

A personal loan is a great way to solve short and long term cash flow problems. Personal loans can help consolidate debt, pay bills and/or can help you out of an unexpected financial dilemma. With any agreement however, you need to understand exactly what you are...

Christmas Loans – Do you need some help?

Same time. Every year. Just for one day. Usually covered in brightly coloured tinsel. Singing that all too familiar tune. IT happens. And by IT, I mean CHRISTMAS. There is always that highly anticipated buildup – starting at least 6 weeks prior to the official day!...

What is a Credit Report?

Trying to decide whether or not applying for a Personal Loan is for you? It’s true, that the people who walk through the doors of Linsa Finance and apply for a personal loan are from all walks of life, these people also have a multitude of reasons for wanting to take...

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