FAQ’s For “in branch” Lending

How much can I borrow?

From $200.00 up to $2000.00

How long does it take to approve a loan?

If you have all the required documents to support your application, we can process a loan within two hours (subject to responsible lending inquiries).

What are your interest rates?

Annual interest rates in branch are 49.75%. A full list of applicable fees are available to view here

What are your repayment terms?

Our repayment terms are tailored to suit your specific needs, but are generally 3 months to 9 months.

Can I borrow money if I am a beneficiary or have a poor credit record?

At Linsa Finance, all applications are assessed on an individual basis.  Initially, we may offer you a smaller loan to give you the opportunity to build a good credit history with us.  Alternatively you can provide a co-borrower to support your application.

How old do I have to be to get a loan?

You must be at least 18 years of age to apply for any form of credit or finance.

What are my payment options?

Our personal loans are flexible – you can choose to make your repayments weekly or fortnightly – whatever suits your pay schedule. We prefer you to make repayments by Automatic Payment or Direct Debit.  Payments can also be made directly through any branch of the ASB, via your salary deductions, or over the counter at one of our branches.

What security is required?

If security is required, we may accept security over vehicles and property.

What if I do not have security for the loan?

If you do not have security for a loan, we may be able to help if you are able to arrange a suitable co-borrower.  The co-borrower follows the same procedure as if they were borrowing money.

Can I get an unsecured loan?

If you are unable to provide security it may be that your situation allows us to offer you an unsecured loan up to the value of $1000.

Can I refinance my loan?

If you have good credit and financial stability you may qualify for an unsecured loan.

What is debt consolidation?

If you have numerous bills to pay, other loans, hire purchases or credit card balances, it sometimes will save you money to consolidate these into one loan.  It is definitely easier to manage your household budget, and payments can be timed to fit your pay cycle.

Can I repay my loan early?

Yes, but please note there may be a small early settlement fee (see current fees below).

What if something happens and I cannot pay?

Linsa Finance Limited offers a comprehensive Repayment Waiver Plan which covers your repayments in the event of an accident, sickness or death. You are also able to apply to Linsa for a hardship variation if you suffer unforeseen hardship at any point during the loan.

How can I apply for a loan?

Go into a Linsa Finance branch and see one of our friendly team.

What should I bring with me?

You must provide the following:

  • Proof of identity – Under the anti money laundering laws we need to see official photo identification such as your passport or drivers license.
  • Proof of address – We need two forms of proof of your address such as a letter or bank statement posted to your home address from a reliable company such as a power bill, or (WINZ, IRD, NZ POLICE, etc).
  • Proof of income – Last 90 days bank statements (3 months).

What happens when my loan is approved.

Once your loan is approved and all the documentation is completed you will be given a cheque you can immediately cash, or alternatively we can deposit the loan proceeds in a bank account nominated by you.

What fees and charges are there?

A full list of applicable fees are available to view here

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