If you are unable reasonably to keep up your payments or other obligations because of illness, injury, loss of employment, the end of a relationship, or other reasonable cause, you may be able to apply to the creditor for a hardship variation.

To apply for a hardship variation, you need to:

(a)                make an application in writing; and

(b)               explain your reason(s) for the application; and

(c)                request one of the following:

  • an extension of the term of the contract (which will reduce the amount of each payment due under the contract); or
  • a postponement of the dates on which payments are due under the contract (specify the period for which you want

this to apply); or

  • both of the above; and

(d)               give the application to the creditor.

Do this as soon as possible.  If you leave it for too long, the creditor may not have to consider your application.

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